
Looking to help?
The Honey Lake Valley RCD serves our local community by helping to conserve, restore, and sustain local agriculture and natural resources in and around Lassen County.
Through drought, wildfire, and floods, the HLVRCD stands ready to help our community recover and build a more resilient future. And we can’t do it without your help! Please consider supporting your RCD today. Your donation helps us put boots on the ground to address our county’s most pressing natural resource and conservation issues. Each dollar that you donate reaches your community directly.
You can donate in any of the following ways;
- Donate here, online through our PayPal account
- Send your donation to: Honey Lake Valley RCD, 1516 Main Street, Suite A, Susanville CA, 96130
Thank you for your investment in your local RCD, we could not do this without you!
Contributions to RCDs are tax deductible under federal law, including gifts, services, property, cash, stocks, and securities. We will provide a receipt for tax purposes upon request. Our federal EIN number is 68-0003580.